Prayer Apps Apps

Rosario Santo Español Audio 1.9
Prayer Apps
Pray the rosary anywhere: in a traffic jam, traveling
Chaplet of Divine mercy audio 1.8
Prayer Apps
How To Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy Step 1 - Using a regularset of Rosary beads, you begin at the cross by doing the sign ofthe cross. (Optional Opening Prayer) You expired, Jesus, but thesource of life gushed forth for souls, and the ocean of mercyopened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable DivineMercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.(Repeat three times) O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from theHeart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You! Step2 - On the three beads of the rosary pray the Our Father, the HailMary and the Apostles Creed. Step 3 - You begin each decade withthe Our Father beads by praying this prayer: Eternal Father, Ioffer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearlybeloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins andthose of the whole world. Step 4 - Complete the decade on the 10Hail Mary beads by praying this prayer: For the sake of Hissorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. RepeatSteps 3 and 4 for each decade on the rosary beads Step 5 - Once youhave prayed all 5 decades, you finish the Chaplet by praying thefollowing prayer 3 times: Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy ImmortalOne, have mercy on us and on the whole world. (Optional ClosingPrayer) Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury ofcompassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us, and increase Yourmercy in us, that in difficult moments, we might not despair norbecome despondent, but with great confidence, submit ourselves toYour holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself. Amen. If you arelooking for more audio prayers: or textprayers: where you can add your own textprayers and with text to speech conversion you can choose the voiceand the speed. Christian T-shirts and gifts apps
Deliverance prayer from evil 1.5
Prayer Apps
Deliverance prayer agains evil. Say this prayer if you needdeliverance.
Learn Rosary 1.16
Prayer Apps
Learn to pray the scriptural rosary anywhere.
Różaniec polski audio 1.8
Prayer Apps
Prayer of the Rosary audio anywhere - in the car, bus, at home.
Idea a day 1.0
Prayer Apps
Idea a day - daily wisdom and motivation app offlineMotivationalideas and quotes like: Secret of good and long life isto eat half,walk double, laugh fourfold and love without merit. Weareresponsible for our own lives. If you take someoneelse'sresponsibility for your luck, you are losing your time. Youhave tobe brave enough to give yourself the love you didn't get. 10rulesfor success 1. Stop doing the wrong things 2. Make a schedule(whatwould you be doing on your ideal work day to achieve what youwant.So that in the end of a day you will be in a better shape thaninthe beginning of the day) 3. Clarify your thoughts 4. Takethemeaningful path 5. Specify your goals 6. Stop saying thingsthatmake you weak 7. Adopt the mode of authentic being 8. Learnfromyour mistakes 9. Have conversation with yourself 10. Aim high4Agreements Be Impeccable with Your Word Don't TakeAnythingPersonally Don't Make Assumptions Always Do Your Best Mindis atool and not a master. It is supposed to serve me and not toruleme. I'm not here to pamper my senses like a pet and satisfymypleasures.
Age Date of Birth Calculator Week Nr. Calendar 1.7
Prayer Apps
App will calculate your exact age based on your date of birth.Haveyou been counting how many days are between two dates?Calculatedifference in days between two dates with ease now. Haveyou beenasking, which calendar week is now? Get the currentcalendar weeknumber. Your data is not synchronized with any of youraccounts, soit is fully private on your phone. You can take notesaboutbirthdays and namesdays of your friends and family, so youwill notforget them. You can get gift ideas for father, mother,friendsetc.
Rosary and prayers audio 1.12
Prayer Apps
Rosary & prayers audio and pray anywhere.
Rosaire français traditionnel 1.7
Prayer Apps
Pray the French Rosary offline anywhere - in traffic jams
15 Prayers of St. Bridget 1.17
Prayer Apps
15 Prayers of St. Bridget & 7 Our Fathers Audio & Text
Torah (Pentateuch) random chapter 1.0
Prayer Apps
Torah random chapter Books of Pentateuch in English, German.Dailywisdom of Torah - randomly chosen chapter
Stations of the Cross audio 1.8
Prayer Apps
Stations of the Cross - Via Crusis Audio - the Way of the Cross
Notes 1.9
Prayer Apps
Simple text app.
Christian prayers audio 1.13
Prayer Apps
Christian prayers audio English and pray anywhere.
Rosario Italiano 1.14
Prayer Apps
Pray Italian audio rosary offline everywhere - by car, by bus, athome.
The Bible Offline Multilingual 1.2
Prayer Apps
Read the Holy Bible anywhere in your language.
Proverbs - daily wisdom 1.0
Prayer Apps
Get random Bible Proverbs chapter as your daily inspiration.
Rosarium Latinae Audio 1.5
Prayer Apps
Rosarium Latinae + alias orationes
Ruženec audio slovensky 1.8
Prayer Apps
Ruženec audio Slovak offline + Jesus prayer, Litany Loreto
Books of Wisdom 1.0
Prayer Apps
Get daily wisdom from the Bible Books of Wisdom.
Orthodox prayers audio offline 1.5
Prayer Apps
Orthodox prayers audio offline in English and Russian language.
Prayerbook Basic 1.2
Prayer Apps
Basic prayer book for christians
Orthodox prayers audio Pro
Prayer Apps
Orthodox prayers audio Pro - pray without ads.
Rosaire audio français Pro
Prayer Apps
Pray the French Rosary offline anywhere.
Tasks - manage what needs to be done 1.0.4
Prayer Apps
Personal digital assistant for managing your tasks. Categorize andfilter your tasks by categories or labels like personal, work oradd your own categories or labels. Focus on today - display taskswhich have current date only. Display all tasks at once. Deleteobsolete tasks or archive completed tasks.
Rosário áudio português 1.8
Prayer Apps
Pray rosary audio Portuguese Offline anywhere - in car, bus
Rózaniec Polski Audio Pro
Prayer Apps
Use the Pro version of the application without ads.
Rosario Italiano Pro
Prayer Apps
Use the professional version of the app without advertising.
The Holy Rosary English Audio 1.8
Prayer Apps
Pray the Holy Rosary anywhere - in the car, bus, at home.
Růženec Audio Česky offline 1.3
Prayer Apps
Jak se modlí růženec Zahájení znamením kříže: Ve jménu Otce i Synai Ducha svatého. Amen. Úvodní modlitba - Apoštolské vyznání víry:Věřím v Boha, Otce všemohoucího, Stvořitele nebe i země. I v JežíšeKrista, Syna jeho Jediného, Pána našeho; jenž se počal z Duchasvatého, narodil se z Marie Panny, trpěl pod Ponciem Pilátem,ukřižován umřel i pohřben jest; sestoupil do pekel, třetího dnevstal z mrtvých; vstoupil na nebesa, sedí po pravici Boha, Otcevšemohoucího; odtud přijde soudit živé i mrtvé. Věřím v DuchaSvatého, svatou církev obecnou, společenství svatých, odpuštěníhříchů, vzkříšení těla a život věčný. Amen. následuje ModlitbaPáně: Otče náš, jenž jsi na nebesích, posvěť se jméno tvé. Přijďkrálovství tvé. Buď vůle tvá jako v nebi, tak i na zemi. Chléb nášvezdejší dej nám dnes. A odpusť nám naše viny, jako i my odpouštímenašim viníkům. A neuveď nás v pokušení, ale zbav nás od zlého.Amen. následuje 3x Pozdravení andělské. Při prvním "Zdrávas, Maria"vkládáme za jméno Ježíš slova: v kterého věříme při druhém: vkterého doufáme při třetím: kterého nadevšechno milujeme: Zdrávas,Maria, milosti plná, Pán s tebou; požehnaná ty mezi ženami apožehnaný plod života tvého, Ježíš. Svatá Maria, Matko Boží, prosza nás hříšné nyní i v hodinu smrti naší. Amen. následuje ChválaNejsvětější Trojice: Sláva Otci i Synu i Duchu svatému, jako bylana počátku, i nyní, i vždycky a na věky věků. Amen. Otče náš, jenžjsi na nebesích, posvěť se jméno tvé. Přijď království tvé. Buďvůle tvá jako v nebi, tak i na zemi. Chléb náš vezdejší dej námdnes. A odpusť nám naše viny, jako i my odpouštíme našim viníkům. Aneuveď nás v pokušení, ale zbav nás od zlého. Amen. následuje 10xPozdravení andělské. Za jméno Ježíš vkládáme slova tajemství(růženec má čtyři části - mluvíme o růženci radostném, bolestném,slavném a o růženci světla - o tento (o tuto část) růženec rozšířilpapež Jan Pavel II.) Tajemství radostného růžence jsou: Ježíš,kterého jsi z Ducha svatého počala Ježíš, s kterým jsi Alžbětunavštívila Ježíš, kterého jsi v Betlémě porodila Ježíš, kterého jsiv chrámě obětovala Ježíš, kterého jsi v chrámě nalezla Bolestnýrůženec Ježíš, který se pro nás krví potil Ježíš, který byl pro násbičován Ježíš, který byl pro nás trním korunován Ježíš, který pronás nesl těžký kříž Ježíš, který byl pro nás ukřižován Slavnýrůženec Ježíš, který z mrtvých vstal Ježíš, který na nebe vstoupilJežíš, který Ducha svatého seslal Ježíš, který tě, Panno, do nebevzal Ježíš, který tě v nebi korunoval Růženec světla Ježíš, kterýbyl pokřtěn v Jordánu Ježíš, který zjevil v Káně svou božskou mocJežíš, který hlásal Boží království a vyzýval k pokání Ježíš, kterýna hoře proměnění zjevil svou slávu Ježíš, který ustanovilEucharistii Po desátém "zdrávasu" následuje 1x Chvála NejsvětějšíTrojice: "Sláva Otci..." V dalším desátku (začínáme jej opětmodlitbou Páně "Otče náš" a do "Zdrávasů" vkládáme za jméno Ježíšdalší tajemství...) Modlitbu růžence zakončíme modlitbou Zdrávas,Královno: Zdrávas, Královno, matko milosrdenství, živote, sladkostia naděje naše, buď zdráva! K tobě voláme, vyhnaní synové Evy, ktobě vzdycháme, lkajíce a plačíce v tomto slzavém údolí. A proto,orodovnice naše, obrať k nám své milosrdné oči a Ježíše, požehnanýplod života svého, nám po tomto putování ukaž, ó milostivá, ópřívětivá, ó přesladká, Panno Maria! Oroduj za nás, královnoposvátného růžence, aby nám Kristus dal účast na svých zaslíbeních.(Modleme se) Bože, tvůj jednorozený Syn nám svým životem, smrtí azmrtvýchvstáním získal věčnou spásu. Dej nám, prosíme, když vposvátném růženci blahoslavené Panny Marie o těchto tajemstvíchrozjímáme, ať také podle nich žijeme a dosáhneme toho, co slibují.Skrze Krista, našeho Pána. Amen. Doporučená volba tajemství dle dnův týdnu: pondělí: tajemství radostná úterý: tajemství bolestnástředa: tajemství slavná čtvrtek: tajemství světla pátek: tajemstvíbolestná sobota: tajemství radostná neděle: tajemství slavná
Notes & Text to speech 1.4
Prayer Apps
Simple notes taking and text to speech (to audio) reader app forAndroid.
Rosario Santo Español Pro
Prayer Apps
Pray the rosary anywhere without ads.
Rosary and prayers audio PRO 1.9
Prayer Apps
Pro app with many audio prayers to download.
Ruženec Slovensky Text 1.6
Prayer Apps
Rosary in Slovak language, text version.
Rosário áudio portuguęs Pro
Prayer Apps
Use the application's Pro version without ads.
15 Prayers of St. Bridget & 7 Our Fathers Pro 1.2
Prayer Apps
Pro version without advertisementof of St. Bridget & 7 Our Fathers Audio & TextEnglish,Italian, Polish, Slovak language As St. Bridget for a longtimewanted to know the number of blows Our Lord received duringHisPassion, He one day appeared to her and said: “I received 5480blowson My Body. If you wish to honor them in some way, say 15OurFathers and 15 Hail Marys with the following Prayers (whichHetaught her) for a whole year. When the year is up, you willhavehonored each one of My Wounds.” He made the following promisestoanyone who recited these Prayers for a whole year: 1. Iwilldeliver 15 souls of his lineage from Purgatory. 2. 15 souls ofhislineage will be confirmed and preserved in grace. 3. 15 sinnersofhis lineage will be converted. 4. Whoever recites thesePrayerswill attain the first degree of perfection. 5. 15 daysbefore hisdeath I will give him My Precious Body in order that hemay escapeeternal starvation; I will give him My Precious Blood todrink lesthe thirst eternally. 6. 15 days before his death he willfeel adeep contrition for all his sins and will have a perfectknowledgeof them. 7. I will place before him the sign of MyVictorious Crossfor his help and defense against the attacks of hisenemies. 8.Before his death I shall come with My Dearest BelovedMother. 9. Ishall graciously receive his soul, and will lead itinto eternaljoys. 10. And having led it there I shall give him aspecialdraught from the fountain of My Deity, something I will notforthose who have not recited My Prayers. 11. Let it be knownthatwhoever may have been living in a state of mortal sin for 30years,but who will recite devoutly, or have the intention to recitethesePrayers, the Lord will forgive him all his sins. 12. Ishallprotect him from strong temptations. 13. I shall preserve andguardhis 5 senses. 14. I shall preserve him from a sudden death.15. Hissoul will be delivered from eternal death. 16. He willobtain allhe asks for from God and the Blessed Virgin. 17. If hehas livedall his life doing his own will and he is to die the nextday, hislife will be prolonged. 18. Every time one recites thesePrayers hegains 100 days indulgence. 19. He is assured of beingjoined to thesupreme Choir of Angels. 20. Whoever teaches thesePrayers toanother, will have continuous joy and merit which willendureeternally. 21. There where these Prayers are being said orwill besaid in the future God is present with His grace.
Stations of the Cross Pro
Prayer Apps
Stations of the Cross Pro version - Via Crusis Audio - the Way ofthe Cross
Litany of Loreto audio + text 1.3
Prayer Apps
Pray Litany of Loreto (audio + text) anywhere
The Holy Spirit App 1.4
Prayer Apps
The app will help you to learn how to receive the Holy Spirit andits gifts.
Pregnancy weekly info app 1.17
Prayer Apps
What your baby looks like week by week and when what to do. Noregistration.
Baby white noise sleep sounds 1.13
Prayer Apps
Baby care - info & tips on sleep & calming baby down, whitenoise sounds, diary.
Rosenkranz Deutsch Audio 1.9
Prayer Apps
The Rosary Audio German Offline
Rosary audio English 1.17
Prayer Apps
Pray Rosary audio English anywhere - in the car, bus, at home.
Rosary Audio English Pro
Prayer Apps
Pray Rosary Audio English Offline Pro without advertisement
Learn Rosary Pro
Prayer Apps
Learn to pray the rosary anywhere - without advertisements.
Christian prayers audio English Pro (no ads) 1.9
Prayer Apps
Pro paid version (without advertisements) of popularapp of your prayers in English language offline. You canpraynow in your car, bus, while walking. In this app you will findthefollowing audio prayers: Jesus prayer, Glory to the Father,OurFather, Symbol of faith, Apostle's creed, Hail Mary, Litany ofHolySpirit, Morning and evening prayers, Lord's prayer,Deliveranceprayer against evil, Prayer of Saint Francis, TheAngelus, Litanyof the Holy Ghost, Come Holy Spirit, Have mercy onme, Prayer toall guardian angels, Psalm 23 - The lord is myshepherd, Act ofhope, Psalm 135, The Beatitudes, Prayer for sevengifts of the HolySpirit. Christian T-shirts andgifts
Real estate property checklist 1.7
Prayer Apps
Collect data offline about potential real estate properties youwantto purchase. This app was made with hope it will be useful toyouwhile you are checking the real estates. It helps gather andsharethe data and decide before choosing which one would be a goodmatchfor your purchase or an investment portfolio. Also could bevaluablefor real estate agents for sharing the data with theirclients whenoffline.
Swipe colors 1.6
Prayer Apps
Simple flashlight app switching between various color light fromLCDscreen like white, green, blue, yellow, orange, red.
Dice 1.6
Prayer Apps
Virtual random dice for playing games. 1-6 dice or flip a coin.
Biblia slovensky 1.9
Prayer Apps
Slovak Bible text and audio